Thursday, 29 March 2012

First base

My mum's old baseball jacket / AA crop top

Sometimes at home we have a day of frenzied 'we have to tidy this house!' chaos, where suddenly the organised clutter becomes too much and if it doesn't get sorted this very instant then the house will implode. We recently had one of these spring cleans, with many black bin liners heading for the charity shop and much rose-tinted eBaying (I had to repeatedly tell my mother that no, no one will pay money for a grubby pair of trainers with holes in, even if they are Nike). It was from this that I salvaged a couple of lovely things, including this LA Dodgers baseball jacket! A souvenir from my Dad's trip to the States for my mum, it's pretty bang on trend, right? I always associate baseball with the 1950s (I think many an hour studying reading between the lines of Death of a Salesman and the American Dream in English!) and this seems to hit the 'vintage Americana' vibe at Prada and Proenza right on the head! Let's play ball!


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it great?! I can't believe my mum was contemplating getting rid of it... xx
